Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Some Bits o’ Tid about Gary:
He falls down. A lot.
He likes to watch the TeeVee and enjoys cinematic adventures. He thinks whoever came up with TiVo is a genius.
He’s a big fan of Steve Thompson’s artwork and often wonders how he can cash in on his friend’s talent.
He can only speak one language but has solicited Alex and Lisa to teach him their native tongues for $1 cash money. They have both declined.
He writes crappy little screenplays/stories and is not-so-actively seeking representation. It seems agencies keep stealing his stamps from the SASE that he encloses in his inquiries. He has yet to receive a rejection letter.
He likes sandwiches.
He is a self-professed geek and still enjoys reading comic books. Superman is such a pimp.
His all-time favorite TeeVee shows are NYPD Blue, Friends, & The X Files.
His all-time favorite writer/director is fellow New Jerseyian Kevin Smith. He has been to several of his Q&A’s, one of which was filmed for DVD release. He does not appear on the DVD although the person next to him is on it 20x. He now knows what actors feel like when they get their scenes cut.
He thinks everyone should get a MAC.
He once had long hair and now he’s bald. Not by choice. If he had his way he would have been a cool old man. Long gray hair and a cane.
He recently received a noise complaint from his neighbor. Apparently his neighbor is not a fan of the video game Rock Band. He has since temporarily retired from his drumming career.
He does not eat pork, lamb or veal. Everything else is fair game for his gullet.
He’s a big fan of all types of cookies except Lorna Doones. He thinks that those are old lady cookies, but he doesn’t disparage those who enjoy them. He’s also not too fond of Ginger Snaps.
His alter ego is Nick Blacke.
More bits o’ tid to come…
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